Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kani Mango Roll

It was almost dinner time and I was only starting on my first dish for the night with nobody competent to assist me in my dilemma I decided to just make this on another day. 6:45 and my ditsi came so I thought to myself "why not ask her to help me since she wants to learn in the kitchen" and so I did. I asked her to wrap the kani and mango on rice paper and she willfully did.

I have to improve on this since the rice paper was too thick for consumption. I couldn't swallow it! The taste was just so-so that I prefer plain kani salad even better. It's nice to experiment on this recipe though since it's very simple you can actually put any filling just make sure they're tasty.

Fujian Fried Rice

Foods with sauce makes me drool. They make the dish simply delicious! I tried to give Fujian Fried Rice a try when I chanced upon a recipe. It's easy to make and oh so delicious to eat! Chinese sausage in fried rice never fails to please me.

Prawn and Sweetcorn Patties

Made these today for an afternoon snack. What I thought would be a failure while cooking became an unexpected success. My ditsi even called me to say that the prawns and sweetcorn were not enough. Well, next time I'll make sure to put in an extra amount so that they'd enjoy it more.

The sweetness from the corn compliments the shrimps very well. I think ketchup or sweet chili sauce would be a great condiment but I ate it plain and it was nice as well.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello Sloppy Joe

I've been wanting to try and cook this ever since I chanced upon them in the internet.
The juiciness of the meat was heaven that I wanted to savor every bite I got into it. OH! The messy experience that stays in your mouth together with those sweet and moist buns are just a perfect combination! (no pun intended here).

A more closer look into that yumminess.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Healthy Apple Cookies

These are the first cookies I have ever baked. Good thing it was a success! A big one at that. My hard to please father liked it and my brother-in-law who doesn't like cinnamon finished his supposedly shared cookie with my sister!

These cookies are baked with real apple chunks so it makes them a healthier snack because of the fiber you get from each serving. You get a lot of uniqueness from this cookie aside from it looking like blobs because it's not that sweet although it has that goodness you get from devouring a cake (It has a cakey bite into it).